The Project
- Project Mage is a quest for seamless structural editing, a decent GUI toolkit, and, overall, an environment where interactivity, flexibility and power are valued very highly. A few applications are on the roadmap, notably the ones providing for note-taking, computational notebook capabilities, project-info tracking, decentralized version control, and an IDE for Common Lisp.
- LGPL3.0+ and free-of-charge.
The Author
- IRL Alias: Dmitrii Korobeinikov
- Citizenship: Kyrgyzstan
- Location: Kyrgyzstan
- Was born in: Kyrgyzstan
- Github: some-mthfka
- Social Media: None
- Interests: writing autobiographies
- KG!
This Website & Assets
- Articles are written in Org-mode and exported to HTML, with custom CSS.
- Hosting: Neocities.
- Font used for logo: Waters Gothic (licensed as Freeware). It blew everything else out of the water when I saw it.
- The handshake GIF: taken from GifCities.
- The Patreon GIF:
- The desert image is from Fallout 2.
- The dinosaur and the Fat Dude is from Jurassic Park.
- All the imagery in the header, other than the Lisp alien, was generated with NightCafe. So was the Kraken attacking a ship.